We talked to Susanne Kretschmann, Segment Manager SeedGrowth, about one of the latest benchmark fungicide seed treatments for oilseed rape, Scenic® Gold.
What exactly is Scenic Gold?
Susanne Kretschmann: “Scenic Gold is a fungicidal seed treatment that combines two active ingredients and two modes of action. The active ingredients are Fluopicolide from the chemical group of the pyridinylmethyl-benzamides, and Fluoxastrobin, which is a dihydro-dioxazine. We are really excited about Scenic Gold because it is a real benchmark in controlling a broad range of fungal diseases that affect the early crop development. It has an excellent crop safety and is suitable for winter and spring oilseed rape (OSR). Field tests on winter and spring oilseed rape have demonstrated superior disease control compared to current market standards without any reductions in crop stand or delays in emergence compared to untreated crops.”
What benefits does Scenic Gold bring to farmers?
Susanne Kretschmann: “Scenic Gold controls a broad spectrum of key early diseases affecting oilseed rape. So before too long, farmers will not need to worry about Phoma, Alternaria, downy mildew or damping-off (caused by Rhizoctonia and Pythium) anymore. As the results detailed in the registration dossier have proven, Scenic Gold’s efficacy on these key diseases is significantly higher than the respective EU market standard. At the same time, Scenic Gold is very crop safe and even provides increased plant emergence compared to untreated seeds. With this strong profile, Scenic Gold provides optimal emergence and vigorous crop establishment, thus optimizing the inherent potential of the crop from the very start.”
In which countries is Scenic Gold registered?
Susanne Kretschmann: “Scenic Gold is registered in 15 European and Eastern European countries, more registrations are expected.”
What about other crops?
Susanne Kretschmann: “Besides oilseed rape, we also demonstrated crop safety in white mustard, spring and winter turnip rape, in addition to oil radish. A label extension to sugar beet is under preparation. Additional crops are currently being investigated.”