Scenic Gold®
Fungicidal treatment for oilseed rape crops, acting against Phoma, Alternaria, downy mildew and damping-off. It provides optimal emergence and vigorous crop establishment and thus optimizes, from the start, the inherent potential of the crop.

// Winter and Spring Oilseed Rape
// Winter and Spring Turnip Rape
// Bird rape
// Oil radish
// Brown mustard
// Black mustard
// White mustard
// Phoma seedling blight (Phoma lingam, Leptosphaeria biglobosa)
// Alternaria seedling blight (A. brassicae, A. brassicola)
// Downy mildew (Hyaloperonospora brassicae)
// Damping-off complex (including Rhizoctonia solani and seedling blight pathogens)
Active Ingredient
// Fluopicolide (200g/l)
// Fluoxastrobin (150g/l)
Mode of Action
// Scenic Gold is the combination of two different active ingredients and two different mode of actions, solely available through this unique OSR seed treatment.