EverGol® Energy
Fit, Fast, First. Bayer’s premium fungicide seed treatment EverGol Energy offers superior control of key seed and soil-borne diseases in corn, soybean, cereals, pulses, rice and other key crops. The three-active ingredient combination is suited to a wide range of on-seed and off-seed use cases, including Rhizoctonia control. EverGol Energy also offers faster emergence and good seed safety characteristics. Improved vigour, better and quicker emergence, high-performing root systems and better crop stand – exactly what growers need.

// Corn
// Soybean
// Rice
// Cereals
// Pulses
// Seed rot, seed decay and damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani,
Fusarium spp, Pythium spp, Phomopsis spp, Ascochyta spp, Cochliobolus spp,
Botrytis cinerea, smuts and bunts, rust, Septoria spp, powdery mildew.
Active Ingredient
// Penflufen (38.4 g/l)
// Prothioconazole (76.8 g/l)
// Metalaxyl (61.4 g/l)
Mode of Action
// With its three active ingredients, EverGol Energy combines three modes of action – including SDH inhibition, sterol biosynthesis inhibition, and RNA polymerase inhibition – to achieve contact and systemic protection. EverGol Energy is marketed for industrial application only in conjunction with suitable stewardship measures.